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El papel de la radioterapia superficial y de ortovoltaje

La radioterapia superficial y de ortovoltaje proporciona una opción de tratamiento eficaz para una amplia variedad de indicaciones médicas, incluidos el cáncer de piel no melanoma, algunas afecciones benignas e incluso cuidados paliativos. Únase a Xstrahl y al...

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Low-Dose Radiotherapy (LDRT) for Arthritis

The role of radiation in treating non-malignant diseases is currently undergoing an American Renaissance. Low-dose radiation therapy (LDRT) has been used successfully throughout the world for treating benign conditions for over a century, but its resurgence has been...

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Low-Dose Radiotherapy for Osteoarthritis

Xstrahl's Medical Director, Dr. Richard Shaffer, recently spoke for a webinar hosted by Joint Pain Practice. He shares how low-dose radiotherapy can be used for osteoarthritis, and overviews the treatment process, risks, and efficacy. https://youtu.be/ab4iyfhN_L8...

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Developing an Internal Eye Shield

In this webinar, Tom Murray of Hull University Teaching Hospitals presents on developing an internal eye shield for radiotherapy. Internal eye shields are a simple yet effective solution to protect the patient’s lenses during superficial and orthovoltage radiation...

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