


…with little to no knowledge of radiation therapy are able to easily plan and execute studies using either SmART-XPS or Muriplan. SARRP Brings Success & Fosters Collaboration SARRP is the…

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…a simpler, safer, and lower cost alternative to radioisotope irradiators. Improve workflow, accuracy and reproducibility with easy-to-use software Users have the option to upgrade to SmART-RAD dose calculation software for…

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…Improve workflow, accuracy and reproducibility with easy-to-use software Users have the option to upgrade to SmART-RAD dose calculation software for non-image guided irradiators. The user-friendly interface does not require previous…

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CIX1: Benchtop X-ray Cabinet Irradiator

…the option to upgrade to SmART-RAD dose calculation software for non-image guided irradiators. The user-friendly interface does not require previous dosimetry expertise and supports customizations of doses and geometries. REQUEST…

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Image-Guided Irradiators

…of SmART-RAD for X-ray Cabinet Radiobiology Irradiatorsread more SARRP 1.31.22MuriSuite: Coming in 2022read more 4.29.21SmART-XPS Specification Flyerread more 2.18.21Advancing Translational Radiation Research with the Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP)read…

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