PURPOSE: We report on our experience in the treatment of T1 and T2 mycosis fungoides (MF) with total skin electron beam therapy (TSEBT), with respect to relapse-free rate, overall survival rate, and management of recurrence. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Between 1975 and...
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Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Basal Cell and Squamous Cell Carcinomas of the Skin
PURPOSE: To determine the outcomes of patients with locally advanced basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas of the skin treated with radiotherapy. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A retrospective review of the outcomes of patients with basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas...
Superficial Radiotherapy for Patients with Basal Cell
BACKGROUND: The histologic subtype of a basal cell carcinoma (BCC) may be an important factor for the success of a certain treatment modality. In the current article, the authors report recurrence rates among patients with BCC after superficial radiotherapy as well as...
Role of modern radiotherapy in treating skin cancer
Radiotherapy is an important modality in the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancers. While the majority of patients will be adequately treated without the need for radiotherapy, there are factors that may favour a recommendation for radiotherapy. The established roles...
Radiation Therapy for the Treatment of Tumours in Small Companion Animals
Antony S.Mooref1 Department of Clinical Sciences, Head, Section of Oncology and Harrington Oncology Program, Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, 200 Westboro Road, North Grafton, MA, 01536, USA Abstract Radiation is becoming widely available to treat...
Results of a nationwide survey on radiotherapy of bone metastases in Germany
BACKGROUND: Assuming interinstitutional differences in the treatment of bone metastases, a survey of German radiotherapy institutions was carried out. The goal was to demonstrate regional strategies in pretherapeutic diagnosis, radiation treatment, and follow-up....
The IPEMB code of practice for the determination of absorbed dose for x-rays below 300 kV generating potential (0.035 mm Al – 4 mm Cu HVL; 10 – 300 kV generating potential)
This new code of practice for the determination of absorbed dose for x-rays below 300 kV has recently been approved by the IPEMB and introduces the following changes to the previous codes: (i) The determination of absorbed dose is based on the air kerma determination (exposure measurement) method. (ii) An air kerma calibration factor for the ionization chamber is used. (iii) The use of the F (rad/röentgen) conversion factor is abandoned and replaced by the ratio of the mass – energy absorption coefficients of water and air for converting absorbed dose to air to absorbed dose to water. New values for ratios of these coefficients are recommended. Perturbation and other correction factors are incorporated in the equations. (iv) New backscatter factors are recommended. (v) Three separate energy ranges are defined, with specific procedures for each range. These ranges are: (a) 0.5 to 4 mm Cu HVL; for this range calibration at 2 cm depth in water with a thimble ion chamber is recommended. (b) 1.0 to 8.0 mm Al HVL; for this range calibration in air with a cylindrical ion chamber and the use of tabulated values of the backscatter factor are recommended. (c) 0.035 to 1.0 mm Al HVL; for this range calibration on the surface of a phantom with a parallel-plate ionization chamber is recommended.
S C Klevenhagen, R J Aukett, R M Harrison, C Moretti, A E Nahum and K E Rosser
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The Management of Melanoma and Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer – A review for the Primary Care Physician
In the United States, the incidence of skin cancer is greater than that of all other cancers combined, and early diagnosis can be lifesaving. A substantial public health concern, skin cancer is increasingly being diagnosed and managed by primary care physicians. Basal...
Performance assessment of the Gulmay D3300 kilovoltage X-ray therapy unit
A performance assessment was made of the Gulmay D3300 kilovoltage (combined superficial and orthovoltage) X-ray therapy unit. Results are presented for the key dosimetric beam parameters required for routine patient treatment. This unit is relatively new to the UK...