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Non-homogenous intratumor radiation research

Xstrahl in Action The efficacy and side effects of radiotherapy (RT) depend on parameters like dose and the volume of irradiated tissue. RT induces modulations of the tumor immune microenvironment (TIME) that are dependent on the dose. Low dose RT (LDRT, i.e., single...

FLASH Proton Radiation Therapy Research

Xstrahl in Action Studies during the past 9 years suggest that delivering radiation at dose rates exceeding 40 Gy/s, known as “FLASH” radiation therapy, enhances the therapeutic index of radiation therapy (RT) by decreasing normal tissue damage while maintaining tumor...

Dose-dependent changes in cardiac function, strain and remodelling in a pre-clinical model of heart base irradiation

Xstrahl in Action Advances in conformal radiotherapy (RT) techniques and image-guidance have significantly reduced organs at risk (OAR) exposure, which has been associated with improved safety profiles. However, opportunities remain to further optimise treatments...
Non-homogenous intratumor radiation research

Non-homogenous intratumor radiation research

FLASH Proton Radiation Therapy Research

FLASH Proton Radiation Therapy Research

Dose-dependent changes in cardiac function, strain and remodelling in a pre-clinical model of heart base irradiation

Dose-dependent changes in cardiac function, strain and remodelling in a pre-clinical model of heart base irradiation

Explore Our Resources


Using SARRP to measure orthotopic prostate cancers: SPOTLIGHT Journal Club Webinar

Using SARRP to measure orthotopic prostate cancers: SPOTLIGHT Journal Club Webinar

Getting Started with Radiation Therapy to treat NMSC in Dermatology

Getting Started with Radiation Therapy to treat NMSC in Dermatology

Case Studies

Electronic brachytherapy and superficial radiation therapy are excellent treatment options for patients with basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas

Electronic brachytherapy and superficial radiation therapy are excellent treatment options for patients with basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas

Two Case Histories: Office-Based Radiation Therapy for the Dermatology Clinic

Two Case Histories: Office-Based Radiation Therapy for the Dermatology Clinic

Treating My Skin Cancer with Superficial Radiation Therapy was the Perfect Alternative to Surgery

Treating My Skin Cancer with Superficial Radiation Therapy was the Perfect Alternative to Surgery

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User Spotlights

Xstrahl 200 X-ray Treatment System Review

Xstrahl 200 X-ray Treatment System Review

Spotlight on CRUK RadNet Centre Glasgow

Spotlight on CRUK RadNet Centre Glasgow

The Dermatology Insider 2023

The Dermatology Insider 2023

Using Radiation Therapy in the Veterinary Practice

Using Radiation Therapy in the Veterinary Practice

Our Videos

Using SARRP to measure orthotopic prostate cancers: SPOTLIGHT Journal Club Webinar

Using SARRP to measure orthotopic prostate cancers: SPOTLIGHT Journal Club Webinar

Getting Started with Radiation Therapy to treat NMSC in Dermatology

Getting Started with Radiation Therapy to treat NMSC in Dermatology

Intuitive Advanced Radiation Planning for SARRP using SmART-XPS

Intuitive Advanced Radiation Planning for SARRP using SmART-XPS

About Us

Find out more about our mission to expand the use of radiation therapy to improve patient care and outcomes

Radiation for Skin Cancer

Treat basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma with low-energy radiotherapy.