Treat BCC and SCC with Low-Energy Radiotherapy
Deliver Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer Treatments that are Non-Invasive

Available for Every Patient
Effective for patients who are not suitable candidates for surgery.

Comfortable Treatments
You bring the machine to the patient, rather than the patient to the machine.

Flexible Systems
Easy-to-use radiation therapy systems can treat a wide range of lesion sizes and locations.
Radiation Therapy for Skin Cancer
Millions of people are diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) worldwide each year. While surgical approaches have historically been the standard treatment, many patients with basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma are candidates for electronic brachytherapy and superficial radiation therapy.
Non-invasive radiotherapy techniques may be a better choice for patients with frequently recurring disease, elderly patients, and patients with disease on the head and neck. Xstrahl has a wide range of treatment solutions, based on X-ray techniques, and can meet the superficial treatment requirements of any clinic.
Electronic Brachytherapy for Treating Small Lesions
Electronic brachytherapy (eBt) can be used to treat basal cell skin cancer and squamous cell carcinoma, as well as other skin cancers with a targeted yet gentle dose of radiation. The procedure offers exceptional cosmetic outcomes with minimal side effects, making it an ideal alternative to surgery. With eBt, surgery is not required, and treatments are delivered in clinic or physician’s office with each session taking only a few minutes. The RADiant system was designed specifically to meet the needs of office-based dermatology clinics, offering dual modality capabilities (electronic brachytherapy and superficial radiation therapy) in one treatment device.

Learn more about expanding your care with low-energy radiation therapy in our clinical brochure.
Xstrahl in Action
Australia has one of the world’s highest incident rates for skin cancers, with 2 out of 3 people developing skin cancers in their lifetime. Learn why Just Skin treatment clinic chose Xstrahl 100 to treat NMSC.

Learn more about the use of X-ray therapy for NMSC, including treatment type, treatment description, advantages, and risks.
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