PURPOSE: To demonstrate the computed tomography, conformal irradiation, and treatment planning capabilities of a small animal radiation research platform (SARRP). METHODS AND MATERIALS: The SARRP uses a dual-focal spot, constant voltage X-ray source mounted on a...
Radiation Research
Sertraline slows disease progression and increases neurogenesis in N171-82Q mouse model of Huntington’s disease
Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited progressive neurodegenerative disorder resulting from CAG repeat expansion in the gene that encodes for the protein huntingtin. To identify neuroprotective compound (s) that can slow down disease progression and can be...
Basal cell carcinoma of the nose: An Australian and New Zealand Radiation Oncology patterns-of practice study
Patients with a basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of the nose may be recommended radiotherapy (RT) with a wide variation in techniques and prescribed dose fractionation schedules between clinicians. The aim of this study was to ascertain variability in the patterns of...
The small-animal radiation research platform (SARRP): dosimetry of a focused lens system.
A small animal radiation platform equipped with on-board cone-beam CT and conformal irradiation capabilities is being constructed for translational research. To achieve highly localized dose delivery, an x-ray lens is used to focus the broad beam from a 225 kVp x-ray...
Addendum to the IPEMB code of practice for the determination of absorbed dose for x-rays below 300 kV generating potential (0.035 mm Al–4 mm Cu HVL)
This addendum to the code of practice for the determination of absorbed dose for x-rays below 300 kV has recently been approved by the IPEM and introduces three main changes: (i) Due to a lack of available data the original code recommended a value of unity for kch in the very-low-energy range (0.035–1.0 mm Al HVL). A single table of kch values, ranging from 1.01 to 1.07, applicable to both designated chamber types is now presented. (ii) For medium-energy x-rays (0.5–4 mm Cu HVL) methods are given to determine the absorbed dose to water either at 2 cm depth or at the surface of a phantom depending on clinical needs. Determination of the dose at the phantom surface is derived from an in-air measurement and by extending the low-energy range up to 4 mm Cu HVL. Relevant backscatter factors and ratios of mass energy absorption coefficients are given in the addendum. (iii) Relative dosimetry: although not normally forming part of a dosimetry code of practice a brief review of the current literature on this topic has been added as an appendix. This encompasses advice on techniques for measuring depth doses, applicator factors for small field sizes, dose fall off with increasing SSD and choice of appropriate phantom materials and ionization chambers.
R J Aukett, J E Burns, A G Greener, R M Harrison, C Moretti, A E Nahum and K E Rosser
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The IPEMB code of practice for the determination of absorbed dose for x-rays below 300 kV generating potential (0.035 mm Al – 4 mm Cu HVL; 10 – 300 kV generating potential)
This new code of practice for the determination of absorbed dose for x-rays below 300 kV has recently been approved by the IPEMB and introduces the following changes to the previous codes: (i) The determination of absorbed dose is based on the air kerma determination (exposure measurement) method. (ii) An air kerma calibration factor for the ionization chamber is used. (iii) The use of the F (rad/röentgen) conversion factor is abandoned and replaced by the ratio of the mass – energy absorption coefficients of water and air for converting absorbed dose to air to absorbed dose to water. New values for ratios of these coefficients are recommended. Perturbation and other correction factors are incorporated in the equations. (iv) New backscatter factors are recommended. (v) Three separate energy ranges are defined, with specific procedures for each range. These ranges are: (a) 0.5 to 4 mm Cu HVL; for this range calibration at 2 cm depth in water with a thimble ion chamber is recommended. (b) 1.0 to 8.0 mm Al HVL; for this range calibration in air with a cylindrical ion chamber and the use of tabulated values of the backscatter factor are recommended. (c) 0.035 to 1.0 mm Al HVL; for this range calibration on the surface of a phantom with a parallel-plate ionization chamber is recommended.
S C Klevenhagen, R J Aukett, R M Harrison, C Moretti, A E Nahum and K E Rosser
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AAPM protocol for 40–300 kV x-ray beam dosimetry in radiotherapy and radiobiology
The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) presents a new protocol, developed by the Radiation Therapy Committee Task Group 61, for reference dosimetry of low- and medium-energy x rays for radiotherapy and radiobiology math formula It is based on ionization chambers calibrated in air in terms of air kerma. If the point of interest is at or close to the surface, one unified approach over the entire energy range shall be used to determine absorbed dose to water at the surface of a water phantom based on an in-air measurement (the “in-air” method). If the point of interest is at a depth, an in-water measurement at a depth of 2 cm shall be used for tube potentials ⩾100 kV (the “in-phantom” method). The in-phantom method is not recommended for tube potentials <100 kV. Guidelines are provided to determine the dose at other points in water and the dose at the surface of other biological materials of interest. The protocol is based on an up-to-date data set of basic dosimetry parameters, which produce consistent dose values for the two methods recommended. Estimates of uncertainties on the final dose values are also presented.
C M Ma, C W Coffey, L A DeWerd, C Liu, R Nath, S M Seltzer & J P Seuntjens
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