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Xstrahl holds SARRP User Meeting in conjunction with ICRR

September 5, 2019

Xstrahl would like to say a big thank you to all the participants of the SARRP User Meeting hosted by the Xstrahl Life Sciences team on August 25th, 2019, the first day of the ICRR 2019 conference. The SARRP User Meeting brought together SARRP scientists from Europe and the USA to share outstanding research and build a scientific network that will help improve the use of the technology in the future.

The symposium was chaired by Prof. Anthony Chalmers, Chairman of Clinical Oncology (Clinical Trials Research) at the University of Glasgow, who opened the day  with a fascinating talk on “Precision radiotherapy for studies of effects on intracranial tumours and the normal brain”. The day featured 16 talks by renowned speakers from leading universities on the latest developments in preclinical research using Xstrahl’s flagship Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP), the most advanced dynamic research tool for preclinical radiobiology research.

“It was a terrific event,” said Adrian Treverton, chief executive officer of Xstrahl. “I was humbled by the advanced studies and great strides people have made using our SARRP. It is 10 years since our first SARRP installation and now with over 80 machines installed it was great to gather all these leading researchers into one place. We had plenty of opportunity for networking so they could talk about their research projects, share results of their studies, ask questions and exchange opinions. The importance of such meetings cannot be overestimated. We need to come together to improve the quality of preclinical research and help to eradicate cancer.”

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