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Xstrahl in Action: Importance of dosimetry protocol for cell irradiation on a low X-rays

March 19, 2019

The main objective of radiobiology is to establish links between doses and radiation-induced biological effects. In this context, well-defined dosimetry protocols are crucial to the determination of experimental protocols.

In their paper “Importance of dosimetry protocol for cell irradiation on a low X-rays facility and consequences for the biological response” Dos Santos M, Paget V, Ben Kacem M, Trompier F, Benadjaoud MA, François A, Guipaud O, Benderitter M, Milliat F propose a new dosimetry protocol for cell irradiation in a SARRP and shows the importance of the modification of some parameters defined in dosimetry protocol for physical dose and biological outcomes.

Once all parameters of the configuration were defined, dosimetry measurements with ionization chambers and EBT3 films were performed to evaluate the dose rate and the attenuation due to the cell culture medium. To evaluate the influence of changes in cell culture volume and/or additional filtration, 6-well plates containing EBT3 films with water were used to determine the impact on the physical dose at 80 kV. Then, experiments with the same irradiation conditions were performed by replacing EBT3 films by HUVECs. The biological response was assessed using clonogenic assay.

Using a 0.15 mm copper filter lead to a variation of +1% using medium thickness of 0.104 cm to -8% using a medium thickness of 0.936 cm on the physical dose compare to the reference condition (0.313 cm). For the 1 mm aluminium filter, a variation of +8 to -40% for the same medium thickness conditions has been observed. Cells irradiated in the same conditions showed significant differences in survival fraction, corroborating the effects of dosimetric changes on physical dose.

This work shows the importance of dosimetry in radiobiology studies and the need of an accurate description of the dosimetry protocol used for irradiation.

This Xstrahl In Action was adapted from a article found on a National Library of Medicine website.

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