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New Developments in Radiotherapy for Skin Cancer Treatment

July 15, 2020

Skin cancer is the most common cancer and the incidence is growing. Most are found in the head and neck. While surgery is the mainstay of treatment, it always leads to tissue sacrifice. New developments in radiotherapy (RT) have resulted in having almost similar outcomes to surgery in terms of oncological control. RT however is tissue conserving and and may result in superior functional and cosmetic outcomes in certain body sites. In this webinar, Professor Gerald Fogarty, BSc, MBBS, PhD, FRANZCR(FRO), Director of Radiation Oncology for the Mater Sydney GenesisCare site, describes in more detail the new developments in radiotherapy, especially how to avoid late effects such as skin atrophy, fibrosis and telangiectasia. Dr. Fogarty will share cases where radiotherapy was delivered resulting in excellent cosmetic outcomes and patient satisfaction.



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