Enhance Patient Care with Low-Energy Radiation Therapy
Discover the wide range of clinical uses for our medical systems including non-melanoma skin cancer, benign conditions, and palliative care.

Radiation Therapy for Skin Conditions
Non-invasive radiotherapy techniques may be a better choice for patients with frequently recurring disease, elderly patients, and patients with disease on the head and neck. Xstrahl has a wide range of treatment solutions, based on X-ray techniques, and can meet the superficial treatment requirements of any clinic.

Non-Invasive Treatments
Orthovoltage radiation therapy is an effective treatment for painful degenerative and inflammatory diseases with few side effects. Positive results of radiation therapy treatment, most of all its symptom relief, are due to many factors.

Palliative Radiation Therapy
X-rays have been documented to relieve pain from bone metastases for over 50 years, and their palliative use continues due to speed of pain relief.

Contact Us
Request a consultation to determine the right system for your practice.
Radiotherapy for Dupuytren’s Disease
The most common treatment for Dupuytren’s is surgery, which can cause a long-term and painful recovery. Hear from Dr. John Glees about his experience using the versatile Xstrahl 200 radiotherapy system to treat the disease.