Superficial radiation therapy treatment provides a non-surgical option for patients with basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and keloid scarring. In this webcast, Dr. Colin Dicks, Radiation Oncologist from Just Skin in Australia, describes more about the treatment modality and how he targets skin cancer. He reviews patient selection criteria, presents several cases and outcomes, and describes how X-ray therapy is faster and more affordable than other treatment options. Just Skin is the leading superficial radiation therapy clinic in Australia, treating patients across three centers using Xstrahl equipment.
Non-Surgical Solutions for Skin Cancer: The Role of Radiotherapy
Explore the transformative impact of radiotherapy in skin cancer management, focusing on the three Cs: Cure, Cosmesis, and Convenience. This webinar offers dermatologists and GPs practical insights into radiotherapy practices to optimise patient outcomes for...