…surgery, and when to have intraoperative radiation therapy, as well as treatment options for different stages of disease. The webinar is followed by Q&A at the end of his presentation….
Radiotherapy Indications for Benign Diseases
This webinar, with presentations in both Spanish and English, provides an overview and history of radiotherapy for benign conditions as well as radiotherapy for osteoarthritis. https://vimeo.com/905279833…
Radiation Therapy for Dermatology: A Physician’s Perspective
…offer both electronic brachytherapy and superficial radiation therapy. In this webinar, Dr. Steven Davis, medical director of The Dermatology & Laser Center of San Antonio, describes these modalities, patient selection…
Expanding Patient-Centric Treatment Options for NMSC with Radiation Therapy
…for the use of radiation as a treatment alternative for NMSC when surgery is not an option. In this webinar, John Q. Binhlam, MD, FAAD, of Advanced Skin & Laser…
Xstrahl to Highlight Superficial and Orthovoltage Radiotherapy Solutions for Skin Cancer and Selective Benign Conditions at AAPM 2024
…learn more about all Xstrahl clinical and research systems, visit www.xstrahl.com To learn more about Xstrahl eye shields, visit www.com/eye-shield-webinar To learn more about Radiant Aura, visit www.radiant-therapy.com …
Introduction to eBT and SRT for Dermatology
In this webinar, we walk through surface x-ray therapy as a safe, efficient treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer. You will learn about the two types of surface x-ray therapy, Electronic…
Superficial Radiation Therapy (SRT) in Small & Exotic Animal Oncology, Dr. Rodney Ayl
…The webinar concludes with a Q&A session including questions on how well animals tolerate SRT treatment, the use of a superficial system vs a higher voltage system, how to define…
New Applications of Radiotherapy for Benign Conditions
…modality provides excellent clinical outcomes and a positive patient experience. In this webinar, Dr. Richard Shaffer, clinical oncologist with Genesis Care, shares his experience using radiotherapy as a non-invasive alternative…
New Developments in Radiotherapy for Skin Cancer Treatment
…result in superior functional and cosmetic outcomes in certain body sites. In this webinar, Professor Gerald Fogarty, BSc, MBBS, PhD, FRANZCR(FRO), Director of Radiation Oncology for the Mater Sydney GenesisCare…
Developing an Internal Eye Shield
In this webinar, Tom Murray of Hull University Teaching Hospitals presents on developing an internal eye shield for radiotherapy. Internal eye shields are a simple yet effective solution to protect…