Radiation therapy may be used to treat lip cancer on its own or after surgery. While many providers deliver this therapy using linear accelerators, X-ray therapy using smaller treatment devices is also available. X-ray therapy devices often provide greater ease-of-use and patient comfort, and significantly fewer start-up costs, while offering similar treatment outcomes to traditional linac-based radiotherapy. In this webcast, Dr. Yevgeniy Ishkinin from the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology reviewed several lip cancer cases he has treated using X-ray therapy over the past three years.
Grenz Radiation Therapy Commissioning for Medical Physicists
In this webinar, Kurt Byrnes, Radiation Oncology Medical Physicist at Just Skin in Australia provides an overview of his experience of commissioning grenz rays on the Xstrahl X100 system following the AAPM TG61 protocol. He covers protocol comparison, half value layer...