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Role of radiation therapy in non-melanoma cancers, lymphomas and sarcomas of the skin: Systematic review and best practice in 2016.

January 11, 2016

Radiotherapy (RT) has been used for the treatment of skin cancers since very early after the discovery of X-rays. Indications for radiotherapy in non-melanoma cancers are controversial, and are usually decided according to the tumor type and the possibility of curing the patient with surgery. The introduction of sophisticated surgery techniques and the information of the general population on potential late radiation-induced toxicity and carcinogenesis have led to limiting radiation indications in the dermatologist community. However, radiotherapy has undergone considerable development, including technological advances, to enable limiting doses to the organs at risk. Thus, side effects due to high doses and/or the use of old radiotherapy (RT) techniques have been significantly decreased. In this systematic review we aim to discuss indications of radiotherapy in non-melanoma skin cancers and focus on new advances that may lead to rehabilitating this treatment option according to the tumor’s radiosensitivity and the clinical benefit/risk ratio. Finally, for each type of cancer, we suggest “the best RT practice”.

Fort M, Guet S1, Colson-Durand L, Auzolle C & Belkacemi Y.

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