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Minimum Reporting Standards for Preclinical Radiobiology Irradiators and Dosimetry

February 19, 2024

Xstrahl in Action

Researchers developed guidance on how and what to report in regard to dosimetry in radiation research.


Minimum reporting standards should be expected for preclinical radiobiology irradiators and dosimetry


François Trompier, Larry A. DeWerd, Yannick Poirier, Morgane Dos Santos, et al.

Key Findings

  • Preclinical researchers have long acknowledged the critical need for accurate dosimetry when conducting preclinical studies using radiation.
  • Many important details, such as the equipment producing the radiation, the radiation type, beam energy (or quality), and dose rate, are usually, but not always, reported.
  • The publication proposes new guidance on how and what to report regarding the dosimetry aspects of radiation studies.

Irradiation Dosimetry Parameters Record Table

This table template can be used to report the recommended irradiation parameters, and is offered as an aid to help authors report consistent, reproducible, and accurate irradiation conditions. This table may be useful to document experimental conditions during irradiation, and could be submitted directly with manuscripts either as part of a Supplemental Materials file, or within a Methods section to describe the necessary irradiation parameters to permit accurate dosimetry and reproduction of the work. More information can be found online.

The Value of SARRP

Researchers are able perform preclinical radiation research using Xstrahl’s SARRP Muriplan with SmART-RAD dose calculation software for non-image guided irradiators—and easily plan and execute studies using either Muriplan or SmART-XPS.

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