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RADiant Treatments Commence at Leading Texas Dermatology Center

September 3, 2019

A leading San Antonio dermatology center has become the first in Texas to commence advanced skin cancer radiotherapy treatments using the new RADiant treatment system from Xstrahl, global leader in superficial radiotherapy devices to treat non-melanoma skin cancer and dermatological conditions.

Steven A. Davis, MD., and his team at The Dermatlogy & Laser Center of San Antonio, recently began treating the first patients on the RADiant dual modality radiotherapy system, expanding their non-melanoma skin cancer treatment armamentarium with a non-surgical alternative.

“We are pleased to make RADiant technology available to our patients, as having the option of superficial radiation and electronic brachytherapy in one system is advantageous,” says Dr. Davis. “RADiant is an excellent non-surgical alternative to treat selected non-melanoma skin cancers.”

RADiant is the latest innovative radiotherapy platform from Xstrahl, global leader in superficial therapeutic X-ray systems. The RADiant system is a small and compact unit specifically designed for use by dermatologists. Treatment delivery is fast, convenient and pain free. Patient visit time is kept to a minimum, typically 15 minutes including setup and treatment, leaving them free to continue with their normal daily activities. Advanced features such as illuminated halo applicators and an intuitive clinical interface provide physicians with meticulous control to deliver superior, surgical quality results.

“RADiant expands the dermatologists’ non-melanoma skin cancer treatment weaponry by offering both superficial radiotherapy and electronic brachytherapy options,” says Adrian Treverton, CEO of Xstrahl. “Typically, treatment rooms don’t require lead shielding making it simple to incorporate into a dermatology office. RADiant offers an extremely effective treatment option for when Mohs surgery is not available, or the patient is unsuitable for surgery.”

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