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Lung Stereotactic Arc Therapy in Mice: Development of Radiation Pneumopathy and Influence of HIF-1α Endothelial Deletion.

January 29, 2019


Stereotactic body radiation therapy offers good lung local tumor control by the administration of a high dose per fraction in small volumes. Stereotactic body radiation therapy preclinical modeling is now possible, and our aim was to develop a model of focal irradiation of the mouse lung and to investigate the impact of conditional hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) deletion in the endothelium on radiation-induced tissue damage.


The Small Animal Radiation Research Platform was used to create a mouse model of focal irradiation of the lung using arc therapy. HIF-1α conditional deletion was obtained by crossing mice expressing Cre recombinase under the endothelial promoter VE-cadherin (VECad-Cre+/+ mice) with HIF-1α floxed mice.


Lung stereotactic arc therapy allows thoracic wall sparing and long-term studies. However, isodose curves showed that neighboring organs received significant doses of radiation, as revealed by ipsilateral lung acute red hepatization and major gene expression level modifications. Conditional HIF-1α deletion reduced acute lung edema and tended to diminish neutrophil infiltrate, but it had no impact on long-term global tissue damage.


Arc therapy for focal high-dose irradiation of mouse lung is an efficient model for long-term studies. However, irradiation may have a strong impact on the structure and function of neighboring organs, which must be considered. HIF-1α conditional deletion has no beneficial impact on lung damage in this irradiation schedule.

Lavigne J, Suissa A, Verger N, Dos Santos M, Benadjaoud M, Mille-Hamard L, Momken I, Soysouvanh F, Buard V, Guipaud O, Paget V, Tarlet G, Milliat F, François A.

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