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Looking Forward to Meeting You at ASTRO

October 10, 2018

Only a few days are left before the ASTRO’s 60th annual meeting will open its doors to more than 10,000 radiation oncology and research professionals, providing an ideal platform to discuss and discover solutions to the most pressing issues and examine the latest technologies and innovations.

Xstrahl is delighted to invite you to explore its latest achievements both in the clinical and pre-clinical research arena. We are happy to share with you our expertise and years of experience, to talk you through what it takes to upgrade your skin cancer treatment approach and your treatment planning process.

You will discover how a SARRP system can translate your biggest research discoveries to clinical use, and why now is the right time to take this step.

You will have an opportunity to see in action our advanced planning software XBeam and Concerto 2.0 – efficient, user-friendly systems that meet all clinical needs and requirements. You can try RADiant – the smart, simple and effective superficial radiotherapy system, and the Xstrahl 200 – a truly versatile dual modality system with inbuilt dose control.

Our Life Sciences team will present the SARRP’s enhanced Muriglo 3D imaging platform. We are sure it will be exciting and informative as SARRP- a unique translational research platform – is an ideal way to go from Bench to Bedside.

“We are looking forward to meeting you at Xstrahl booth at ASTRO as we have so many innovations we would like to share with you,” said Adrian Treverton, Xstrahl CEO. “We offer best in class solutions for both clinical and research needs. The time to upgrade to an Xstrahl has arrived.”

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