Xstrahl & SmART Scientific Solutions to showcase two new software solutions for radiation research at ICRR in Montréal, Canada
Xstrahl will demonstrate SmART-RAD and SmART-Contour at the 17th International Congress for Radiation Research (ICRR) August 27-30

A dose report from SmART-RAD modeling the distribution of absorbed dose with different X-ray energies
Xstrahl, the leader in preclinical radiation research systems & SmART Scientific Solutions, developer of innovative preclinical radiation and cancer research software partner to bring innovative new software solutions for radiation research. Xstrahl will demonstrate SmART-RAD and SmART-Contour at the 17th International Congress for Radiation Research (ICRR) in Montréal, Canada on August 27-30. This year, ICRR will be combined with the 69th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society (RRS).
SmART-RAD, a powerful 3D dose calculation software has been verified on Xstrahl’s range of cabinet irradiators and is suitable for any non-image guided irradiator. This advanced tool ensures researchers can deliver reproducible and accurate doses both in-vitro and in-vivo, addressing the increasing requirement for greater dose accuracy and standardized reporting as advised by agencies like the NIH.
SmART-Contour extends the capability of SmART-XPS preclinical treatment planning software available on the Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP). This powerful module for artificial intelligence-based contouring offers fast and accurate auto contouring for anatomical segmentation and plugs smoothly into SmART-XPS.
“Xstrahl is excited to extend our partnership with SmART Scientific Solutions and to be showcasing SmART-RAD and SmART-Contour at ICRR,” states Adrian Treverton, CEO of Xstrahl. “SmART-Contour really extends the functionality of SmART-XPS and the SARRP system, through both improving contouring accuracy and saving valuable time. SmART-RAD delivers accurate 3D dose planning software for any cabinet X-ray system. As more groups move from Cs-137 to X-ray irradiation, this is an essential tool to manage the significant change in radiation dose gradients and the 3D dose distributions that entails.”
About Xstrahl
Xstrahl is a medical technology company that designs radiation delivery devices to support clinical teams and cancer researchers. For more than 25 years, Xstrahl has been shaping the development of superficial and orthovoltage radiation therapy and advancing preclinical radiation research. Xstrahl systems are in operation at more than 700 treatment and research facilities worldwide.
About Smart Scientific Solutions
SmART Scientific Solutions B.V. was created in 2015 and is located in Maastricht (Netherlands). Their mission is to develop products to support preclinical research involving imaging and irradiation of preclinical disease models. Their main products currently are radiation dose calculation tools for a variety of research platforms.
To learn more about radiation research with Xstrahl, visit www.xstrahl.com/radiationresearch