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Xstrahl to Spotlight Superficial and Orthovoltage Radiotherapy Solutions for Skin Cancer and Benign Conditions at ESTRO 2024

May 1, 2024

Xstrahl to Spotlight Superficial and Orthovoltage Radiotherapy Solutions for Skin Cancer and Benign Conditions at ESTRO 2024
Xstrahl will also preview new internal eye shield portfolio to protect patients’ lenses during treatment

Preview the Xstrahl eye shields at stand 1070 at ESTRO 2024

Xstrahl, a global leader in the delivery of superficial radiation therapy devices and preclinical radiation research systems, will demonstrate Xstrahl 200, a modern orthovoltage radiotherapy solution for treating superficial lesions, skin cancers, and selective benign conditions at the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) Annual Meeting in Glasgow, UK, May 3-7, 2024, stand # 1070.

The Xstrahl 200 X-ray system delivers both superficial treatments and treatments at depth by combining the capability of orthovoltage X-ray systems with the traditional ease-of-use of superficial radiation therapy. Xstrahl 200 expands treatment options for benign indications, such as keloid scarring, Ledderhose disease, and Dupuytren’s contracture, and is an excellent complement to a linear accelerator to add treatment capacity at a low cost.

Xstrahl will also preview new internal eye shields during ESTRO. Internal eye shields are a simple yet effective solution to protect the patient’s lenses during superficial and orthovoltage radiation therapy treatments. CE marked and available in four sizes, the internal eye shields are designed to be used for applications up to and including 120kV, the typical maximum energy used to treat NMSC near the eye and its sensitive structures.

In addition, Xstrahl medical director Dr. Richard Shaffer, MD, MBBS, will be available onsite on Sunday, May 5, at 14:00 onward, to provide clinical education about using radiotherapy for benign conditions.

“Many clinicians associate radiation with the treatment of cancer, but superficial and orthovoltage radiation also have a place in the treatment of benign disease,” stated Adrian Treverton, CEO of Xstrahl, Inc. “We are excited to have Dr. Shaffer onsite to provide greater awareness about this important clinical topic and its relevance to the ongoing expansion of radiation therapy to patient care,” he added.

Dr. Shaffer is also the president and founder of the International Organisation for Radiotherapy for Benign Conditions (IORBC). During ESTRO, Dr. Shaffer will also be available to explain more about the group’s international clinical network and ongoing activities to increase awareness of the treatment of benign conditions with radiotherapy, such as providing access to up-to-date research data, protocols, and best practices as well as hosting ongoing clinical educational events. All ESTRO attendees are invited to join the IORBC; membership is complimentary and interested individuals can simply join onsite at ESTRO or visit the IORBC website.

Xstrahl will also host a group of leading radiation researchers as part of its pre-clinical FLASH Consortium during ESTRO. Xstrahl’s photon FLASH irradiator gives investigators the tools to expand preclinical radiation studies using a patented FLASH technique, further supporting translational research into effective cancer treatments. The FLASH irradiator marks a milestone with the availability of systems specifically designed for preclinical research that can be used in a standard laboratory environment. The Xstrahl photon FLASH irradiator is commercially available in both 3D and cabinet configurations.

Visit Xstrahl at ESTRO 2024 stand # 1070, at the Scottish Event Campus in Glasgow, UK, May 3-7, 2024.

About Xstrahl
Xstrahl is a medical technology company that designs radiation delivery devices to support clinical teams and cancer researchers. For more than 25 years, Xstrahl has been shaping the development of superficial and orthovoltage radiation therapy and advancing preclinical radiation research. Xstrahl systems are in operation at more than 700 treatment and research facilities worldwide.

To learn more about all Xstrahl clinical and research systems, visit www.xstrahl.com
To learn more about Xstrahl eye shields, visit www.xstrahl.com/eye-shield-webinar
To learn more about the IORBC, visit www.iorbc.com

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