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Come and see us at ASTRO to discover why now is the time to upgrade to an Xstrahl

October 1, 2018

Less than one month is left before the beginning of the largest annual radiation oncology meeting; ASTRO 2018, which this year will be taking place on the 21st to 24th of October at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, in San Antonia, Texas.

Xstrahl would like to take this opportunity to invite you to booth 1333 where you can discover why now is the time to explore innovations.

Time to upgrade your skin cancer treatment with Xstrahl RADiant – the smart, simple and successful radiation therapy system. RADiant system is a compact and ergonomic superficial X-Ray therapy system operating in 70kV to 80kV intended for superficial radiotherapy and surface electronic brachytherapy treatment of non-melanoma skin cancers, post-operative Keloid scars and other skin conditions.

Time to upgrade your planning process with Xstrahl advanced software solutions – Xbeam and Concerto 2.0. XBeam is Xstrahl’s cutting edge treatment planning software allowing the user to calculate, run a protocol and export therapy plans for exposures on Xstrahl systems. Concerto 2.0 is a clinical interface designed to provide a comprehensive yet simple treatment workflow.

Time to upgrade your research with our state-of-the-art image-guided small animal radiation platform (SARRP) – a unique translational research platform allowing the most clinically relevant, reproducible and technically advanced studies; and to discover Xstrahl latest radiation research solutions; the new imaging accessory, MuriFocus and our enhanced 3D imaging platform Muriglo.

“Everything we do at Xstrahl we do with innovation in mind. We are constantly seeking to upgrade our products and solutions, to make them better, to keep up with the growing requirements of the radiation therapy and research professionals, and to help our customers innovate their processes and achieve the most ambitious results possible. Each Xstrahl product is an incorporation of innovations, breakthrough thinking, many years of practical experience and trust. If you want to have the best – it is Time to upgrade to an Xstrahl.” Adrian Treverton, Xstrahl CEO.

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