BACKGROUND: The most common form of cancer in Brazil is non-melanoma skin cancer, which affects approximately 0.06% of the population. There are no public policies for its prevention and the economic impact of its diagnosis has yet to be established. OBJECTIVES: To...
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Non-surgical treatments of primary, non-melanoma eyelid malignancies: a review
The diagnosis and management of periocular cutaneous malignancies are essential components of an ophthalmologist's practice. Skin cancers comprise nearly one-third of newly diagnosed malignancies. Furthermore, the incidence of skin cancer appears to be increasing....
Palliative radiotherapy for non-melanoma skin cancer
AIMS: The primary objective of this study was to assess the rate of tumour response to the palliative radiotherapy regimen used at our centre (8 Gy/fraction on days 0, 7, 21) for non-melanoma skin cancer. The secondary objective was to evaluate symptom palliation....
Differentiation between glioma and radiation necrosis using molecular magnetic resonance imaging of endogenous proteins and peptides
It remains difficult to distinguish tumor recurrence from radiation necrosis after brain tumor therapy. Here we show that these lesions can be distinguished using the amide proton transfer (APT) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signals of endogenous cellular proteins...
Alterations in DNA Repair Efficiency are Involved in the Radioresistance of Esophageal Adenocarcinoma.
To study radioresistance in esophageal adenocarcinoma, we generated an isogenic cell line model by exposing OE33 esophageal adenocarcinoma cells to clinically relevant fractionated doses of radiation (cumulative dose 50 Gy). A clonogenic assay confirmed enhanced survival of the radioresistant OE33 subline (OE33 R). To our knowledge, we are the first to generate an isogenic model of radioresistance in esophageal adenocarcinoma. This model system was characterized in terms of growth, cell cycle distribution and checkpoint operation, apoptosis, reactive oxygen species generation and scavenging, and DNA damage. While similar properties were found for both the parental OE33 (OE33 P) cells and radioresistant OE33 R cells, OE33 R cells demonstrated greater repair of radiation-induced DNA damage. Our results suggest that the radioresistance of OE33 R cells is due at least in part to increased DNA repair.
Niamh Lynam-Lennon, John V Reynolds, Graham P Pidgeon, Joanne Lysaght, Laure Marignol, and Stephen G Maher
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Irradiation-Induced Up-Regulation of HLA-E on Macrovascular Endothelial Cells Confers Protection against Killing by Activated Natural Killer Cells.
Apart from the platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM-1, CD31), endoglin (CD105) and a positive factor VIII-related antigen staining, human primary and immortalized macro- and microvascular endothelial cells (ECs) differ in their cell surface expression of activating and inhibitory ligands for natural killer (NK) cells. Here we comparatively study the effects of irradiation on the phenotype of ECs and their interaction with resting and activated NK cells.
Isabelle Riederer, Wolfgang Sievert, Günther Eissner, Michael Molls and Gabriele Multhoff
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Orthovoltage energies for palliative care in the 21st century: Is there a need?
OBJECTIVE: The primary objective was to describe the patterns of practice for patients with rib metastases who were treated with radiation therapy for pain relief. The secondary objective was to determine if wait times and better access to radiation treatment for this...
Robotic Delivery of Complex Radiation Volumes for Small Animal Research
The Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP) is a novel and complete system capable of delivering multidirectional (focal), kilo-voltage radiation fields to targets in small animals under robotic control using cone-beam CT (CBCT) image guidance. The capability...
Changes in Skin Cancer Management – A Personal Perspective
When I trained as a resident, skin cancer treatment was fairly simple for general dermatologists. Most cases were treated with electrodessication and curettage (ED&C) and occasionally by excision and/or flap and grafting. This was generally because ED&C is quicker...