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Low-Dose Radiotherapy (LDRT) for Arthritis

April 23, 2024

The role of radiation in treating non-malignant diseases is currently undergoing an American Renaissance. Low-dose radiation therapy (LDRT) has been used successfully throughout the world for treating benign conditions for over a century, but its resurgence has been met with a certain level of skepticism in the Radiation Oncology community in the United States. The typical training curriculum for physicians only briefly mentions this topic leaving most clinicians unfamiliar with historical data on LDRT, as well as the newer evidence that supports its use.

In this webcast, Dr. Jason Beckta, Radiation Oncologist, Assistant Professor at the University of Vermont, and Medical Director at Rutland Regional Medical Center, presents a live Q&A where he fields questions about LDRT for arthritis and comments about the beneficial health effects he’s seen in the delivery of LDRT for arthritis patients in his clinical practice. Dr. Beckta also examines “What will it really take to bring LDRT to more patients in the United States?” – a condition affecting well over 30M US adults.

This Q&A session is based on Dr. Beckta’s 4-part LDRT for Arthritis podcast series (titled “out.of.the.basement / radiation.medicine”) where he explores the use of LDRT in treating non-malignant disease with a deep dive into the practical considerations for delivering LDRT for arthritis patients. Dr. Beckta describes what it is and how to deliver it and also includes a brief administrative review on billing for LDRT in the United States.

Listen to Dr. Beckta’s podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

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