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A critical review of translation processes in preclinical radiotherapy associated with limitations in the dosimetry of biological conformational irradiators

August 7, 2019

Radiotherapy is recognized as one of the main modalities for the treatment of cancer in the world, the translation of the results of the pre-clinical research to clinical trials represents an optimization of the resources destined to combat this disease. Improvements of the dosimetric limitations in the development of radiobiology studies as well as the correct publication of results and findings may allow to narrow the gap between preclinical and clinical research. In this work we present, through a literature review, the characteristics of the information reported in the preclinical studies involving ionizing radiation and dose-response relationships. This information is correlated with the impact on the applicability of the results within the concepts of clinical radiotherapy. We also present the evolution of dosimetric proposals for conformal biological irradiators of small animals with xray photon beams of medium energy with applied voltage up to 225 kVp and milimetric radiation field dimensions, mainly for the SARRP system (Small animal radiation research platform). The proposals for reference and relative dosimetry for small fields, close to 5mm in diameter, are nowadays insufficient for this energy range. This paper aims to highlight the need for new dosimetric proposals in this field of study with the same metrological rigor as required in the clinical radiotherapy.

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