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The New CIX3 Installed at the Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute

June 5, 2018

For the last 12 years the CIX3 irradiator cabinet has been a stable of cancer research centres around the world. With demand high, Xstrahl spent 2 years developing a new generation of the system, with reduced footprint, safer controls, larger irradiation chamber and improved styling.

The first of these new generation systems has been delivered and set up in Cancer Research UK’s Manchester Institute. Helping talented PhD students take their first steps into a research career, the cabinet compromises one of the systems students have access to, helping them achieve their mission to improve patient care by implementing personalised medicine for a range of cancers.

“It’s truly an honor to be able to supply the Manchester Institute with the first new generation CIX3 systems, a fitting placement considering the new generation of cancer researchers will start their careers there.” Dr Andrew Lessey, Xstrahl Ltd, commented about the occasion.

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