
Expand Oncology in Your Veterinary Practice with Orthovoltage Radiation Therapy

July 1, 2021

Oncology is one of the main growing specialties in small animal medicine with a high number of cases and wider availability of CT scanning. Radiation therapy is part of numerous cancer treatment protocols but still mostly unavailable. Orthovoltage radiation provides a cost effective treatment option with relatively low capital and service expenses compared to megavoltage linac-based IMRT.

In this webcast, Dr. Olivier Keravel from Eiffelvet in France describes more about his use of the Xstrahl 300 system in his oncology referral center practice. His presentation describes the reasons for choosing orthovoltage radiotherapy and the different protocols used in terms of dose and scheduling. Dr. Keravel shares his direct experience and highlight clinical indications treated on an everyday basis at Eiffelvet.

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